Les Eyzies de Tayac, situated in the heart of the Vezere Valley, an unspoilt area of great natural beauty with rolling hills, tranquil rivers and fascinating cliff and rock formations It is home to the world’s most beautiful caves and some with outstanding crystallisations. Les Eyzies is the home to the National Prehistoric Museum which houses one of the world’s most complete collections of prehistoric artefacts.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Les Eyzies Info excellent and informative

Planning a visit to Les Eyzies de Tayac or the Vezere or Dordogne Valley? then leseyzies.info is definitely a site you should take a look at.Find out what and where the main attractions are, when to go, when not to go, history, accommodation, les eyzies and dordogne related articles and lots of other useful info every visitor should know before they visit the area.
More than 450.000 years our ancestors chose and settled in the Vezere Valley .. thats correct, Les Eyzies de Tayac is where our ancestors called home, and it was here that in 1868 the link between Prehistoric Man, and Modern Man was discoverd.

The Vézère valley contains 147 prehistoric sites dating from the Palaeolithic and 25 decorated caves. It is particularly interesting from an ethnological and anthropological, as well as an aesthetic point of view because of its cave paintings, especially those of the Lascaux Cave, whose discovery in 1940 was of great importance for the history of prehistoric art. The hunting scenes show some 100 animal figures, which are remarkable for their detail, rich colours and lifelike quality.
The Vezere Valley and Les Eyzies should be on everyone's wish list, but it is only the lucky ones that actually make it back.

For more info : http://www.leseyzies.info/

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dordogne SEO a MUST for everyone with a web site

Is your Internet Marketing in shambles? Does anyone know how to find your site? Need more targeted traffic? We can help!
Having a nice web site promoting your business is extremely important, but, unless it is high on the search engines, so that potential customers can actually find your site, it's pretty much useless, a bit like having a nice sports car, but no petrol.The average person will spend on average about 600 Euro for a web site, 200 Euro per year for domain and hosting, 150 on advertising costs, and lot's of free time but most people do not spend any time or money on having their site optimized.
Anyone serious about a meaningful online business presence needs Search Engine Optimization Services also referred to as SEO Services . With millions of web sites designed and published everyday in all kind of languages and topics, a long term and sustainable internet marketing strategy is crucial. There is no doubt that the following statement is true: An optimized web site, with SEO web design in mind, generates more internet traffic thus driving more leads, phone calls and sales which translate in revenue.
Have your site optimized now, and start making your site work for you, rather than you working for your site.

For more info visit: www.complete-seo.com