We specialize in web sites for the Dordogne region. We know how extremely difficult it is to get your name or business onto the search engines. We do not just design web sites, we help you get your site seen by potential customers from around the world.

Designing a web site is the easiest part, getting people to find your site amongst the more than 92 Billion!! (indexed by google in 2006) sites can be tricky and very expensive.
I have designed more than 20 Dordogne related sites to help advertise your web site after it has been launched.
Let Dordogne Design put you on the web, can you afford not to?
Here are some stats that show the importance of a web site:
Key facts and figures from 1 March 2007
- Over 3.1 million tourists
- Average length of stay (all accommodation): 10 days
- Representing almost 31 million nights’ accommodation
- A direct turnover of at least 980 million euros
- Over 6,000 permanent jobs in tourism (6900 in July & Aug.)
- Tourism in the Dordogne represents over 31% of the local economy
More facts and figures.
- 77% booked part of their vacation online. (airline, ferry, rental car etc)
- 93% of visitors researched the area online before visiting.
- 71 % of visitors booked accommodation online
5 years ago, these figures would have all been below 30%, and 10 years ago they would have all been below 3%, however, in 3 year time they will ALL be above 90%
These figures show the importance of a web site, and no one can design, host, advertize and optimize your dordogne related site better than Dordogne Design .
Dordogne Design, owned by de Paulus who knows how to put the Dordogne and your site / buisness on the web.
With more than 20 Dordogne related web sites that are already high on the mayor Search Engines list are ready to advertise your site.
Advertising a site designed by Dordogne Design on all our parent sites is FREE, saving you hundreds of Euro's, and focusing only on the Dordogne which will attract only people that are searching for Dordogne related sites.
Dordogne Design does not design web sites for a living, which means the prices are as low as you will ever find, and your web site is a de Paulus Project, which means he will always be there for you whenever you need help or advice.
Get in touch with Dordogne Design and see what they can do for you... Can you afford not to?